
May 13th, 2014 | No Comments | Filed Under: Cuckold -Hotwife -Interracial











I had married Sam, after having an affair with her.

Sam was everything my first wife was not, sassy, sexy, funny, and an insatiable slut.

Eventually Sam had gotten tired of her husband, he was older, and although a decent lover and provider, he was very conservative and old fashioned. Sam had many lovers during her marriage, and she always like dominant confident men, those that would make everything

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I’ll Bet I Can Fuck Your Wife

May 13th, 2014 | No Comments | Filed Under: Cuckold -Hotwife -Interracial







“It doesn’t matter who she is, if she is married to one of my employees, I can fuck her.”

Jed was finding this hard to believe. He was probably the only employee in the company who his boss, Tom Jenkins, felt free to confide in. Because Jed and Tom shared something in common, the love of going to a bar and watching football, and since Jed had been with the company almost from day one, Jed was hearing something from his boss that he had never

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Cuckold Evening

May 7th, 2014 | No Comments | Filed Under: Cuckold -Hotwife -Interracial









The other afternoon, I felt the need to get dressed up. My wife knows of
this affliction of mine. She doesn’t like it, but she tolerates it.  I thought
I would make us a special dinner of a roast chicken and dressing.  Since it
takes a couple of hours to prepare, she decided she needed to go out and do
some shopping. She said have the table set when she gets home then, because
she will probably be hungry from all the

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Hope I’m good blond milf

May 5th, 2014 | 1 Comment | Filed Under: Cuckold -Hotwife -Interracial










Hiya guys,Shelly here from Tennessee I’m a 29 yr old married gal with two kids bored with my hubby. I’ve always been curious about black guys so be sure to let me know me whatcha think of me. Hope I’m good enough.




Sub white cuck – interracial sex story

May 2nd, 2014 | No Comments | Filed Under: Cuckold -Hotwife -Interracial







It just hit you… Everything that’s been done to you and just how subtle the plan was. First your wife suggested that you’d look great with long hair. Then she said it would be really hot if you wore eyeliner in bed…just for her…y’know, like one of those 80s rockers. The next thing you knew you were having sex with her wearing her lingerie. You weren’t that comfortable with it but you loved your wife and wanted to do the things she said turned

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